• Goal Setting

    Blog Post Day 2: In which I chop beets, and set a micro-goal

    One of the things that is so difficult about reaching goals is that big goals are scary. How on earth am I going to start a consulting business this year? Or lose 60 pounds? I struggle to lose five! How can I do 60?! And this is why, my friends, I am setting micro-goals each week. Because they are way less scary. Take it one step further, and you will notice that I am setting micro-goals about things related to my big goals, but not directly tied to them. So I’m not setting a micro-goal to lose 2 pounds this week. Why? Because that reminds me that my goal is…

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  • Uncategorized

    Welcome 2020! (Blog Entry 1: An Introduction)

    This is such a perfect gif for me, because I literally spent new year’s eve on a plane flying from New York to Lisbon. At 7pm NY time the captain came on the speaker telling us all that it was midnight in Lisbon, and wishing us a happy 2020, but of course where we were at the time – probably about 400 miles off the east coast over the Atlantic Ocean, it still would have been only about 8 or so, depending on when we crossed over the next time zone. So somewhere over the next couple of hours we flew into midnight, and 2020 hit me over the head…

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